VBS 2022: Registration Form Now Linked Inside
We wanted to remind you to save the date for the following event.
Vacation Bible School: Our VBS has been scheduled for June 20th-24th from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM, which includes lunch for all children in attendance. The theme this year is Kookaburra Coast: Awesome Adventures in God’s Glory.
“At Kookaburra Coast, kids will discover unique destinations and exotic animals—complete with jeep excursions, animals in the outback, and wonders in the Great Barrier Reef. As students discover God’s glorious handiwork in the land down under, they will encounter His life-changing glory in Jesus Christ and through adventures with Moses,” according to the makers of the program, Regular Baptist Press.
That sounds like heaps of fun! Click here to download our registration sheet as a PDF.