Michael & Lois Anne Chirieleison - Office Administration
Job description:
Michael: “I prepare the weekly bulletin, administer Sunday Service’s personal computers and video equipment, maintain media content the church’s website and Youtube channel. As financial secretary manage weekly contributions and reporting.
Lois: “I prepare the Media Shout presentation for our Sunday worship.”
[Editor’s note: Media Shout is a software program that streamlines our dpresentation of lyrics, scripture, photos, and videos to the monitors in our sanctuary for Sunday Services.]
How long have you been a part of the WPC family?
“6 years.”
What teams/groups have you been a part of, or are currently a part of?
Lois: “Member Care & Fellowship Team and Worship Committee”
Michael: “Chairperson for the Finance & Stewardship Team, member of the Worship Committee and the acting Financial Secretary”
What activities do you enjoy in your free time?
Michael: “Spending time with family & grandchildren, fly fishing, & vegetable gardening.”
Lois: “Riding, gardening, quilting, and spending time with our grandchildren.”
Jerry Sefton - Treasurer
Job description: “I’m Westminster’s Treasurer; so, I pay all the bills, keep track of finances, set up the yearly budget, and compile records yearly for the Auditor’s report.
Additionally, I am the Chairperson of the Property & Stewardship Committee where I organize and help with activities to keep our building in proper repair, snow removal in winter.”
How long have you been a part of the WPC family?
“I’ve attended here since 1956, and joined as a member when I was 12. I briefly was a member of Zion Methodist in Sarver, due to marriage, but I returned to join WPC in 2000 after divorce.”
What teams/groups have you been a part of, or are currently a part of?
“Member of Session for at least 12 years (not currently,) served as Presbytery Commissioner for 3 years, have been treasurer since 2005, chair of Building, Property & Stewardship Committee, member of Evangelism & Mission Committee, volunteer as worship assistant, usher, attendance taker, and communion server.”
What activities do you enjoy in your free time?
”In good weather, I’m an avid golfer; employed by Knoch School District as scoreboard operator for Football & Basketball teams; enjoy reading fiction, watching sports on TV or live in person, working on Sudoku & crossword puzzles, and spending time with my children & grandchild.”
Cheryl Frank - Administrative Clerk
Job description: “I collate the church bulletins and bulletin inserts, and help with any other administrative tasks.”
How long have you been a member of the WPC family?
“12 years.”
What teams/groups have you been a part of, or are currently a part of?
“Currently: sending ‘Thank You’ cards out [to people who have made] donations in memory of a friend or loved one, the Member Care & Fellowship Team, the Elder Nominating Committee, help with the yearly buffet dinners, and assist with putting together & mailing the newsletter.”
“Previously: Youth Group Assistant & Substitute Sunday School Teacher.”
What activities do you enjoy in your free time?
“Reading - especially Bible stories, traveling, and watching my grandchildren.”
Elaine Rickard - Musician
Job description: I’m Westminster’s organist.
How long have you been a member of the WPC family?
“9 years.”
What activities do you enjoy in your free time?
“Reading and cooking.”